I have very fond memories of my PhD at the IIIA. I learned a lot and made great friends in a very supporting environment. The "costellades" at Mas Puig and the Christmas concerts were incredible!
My years at IIIA-CSIC were deeply rewarding and formative. I was very lucky to work in high quality research with excellent professionals and absolutely wonderful people. It was an honor and a joy!
My PhD at IIIA was foundational for me because I studied with people who are the international leaders in AI and formal methods. Beyond this, I found IIIA inspiring as a model of team building for research.
TECNIO es la acreditación que otorga la Generalidad de Cataluña a través de ACCIÓ para identificar y dar visibilidad a los desarrolladores de tecnología del sistema I+D+i de Cataluña que presenten capacidades tecnológicas diferenciales y con capacidad de transferirlas para fortalecer el tejido empresarial y hacer internacionalmente atractivo el ecosistema catalán de innovación.