Enric Plaza @ IIIA-CSIC

  1. BulletLearning Systems at Large

  2. BulletCase based Reasoning (see also online my article on What is CBR really about).

  3. BulletRepresentation languages for learning and problem solving

  4. BulletMultiagent Learning

  5. BulletMultiagent Deliberation & Argumentation

  6. BulletLearning by Argumentation

  7. BulletThe Experience Web

  8. BulletComputational Creativity

  9. BulletEvolving Semantics

  10. BulletAnalogy and Concept Blending

Enric Plaza Cervera

IIIA- Institut d’Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial

CSIC - Spanish Council for Scientific Research

Carrer Can Planes

Campus U.A.B. 08193 Bellaterra

Catalonia (Spain)

Vox: +34-93-580 95 70 (215)

Fax: +34-93-580 96 61

Online Papers

  1. Bullet Scientific Papers

  2. Bullet Slides

  3. Bullet Essays (in Catalan)

Photo sites





Research in Artificial Intelligence

Enric Plaza

Research Professor, CSIC

Learning Systems Department, IIIA

Email Me