Lluís Godo Lacasa
Research Professor at the
Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA)
of the Spanish
National Research Council (CSIC) 
ECCAI Fellow, IFSA Fellow
Main Research Interests
- Uncertainty
and Plausible Reasoning
- Possibilistic
- Mathematical
Fuzzy logic
- Similarity-based
- Argumentation
- Multi-Agent
Systems, BDI agents
Recent Main Activities
- Organising Committee chair of SYSMICS'16 (http://sysmics-16.iiia.csic.es/)
- Co-organiser of the IJCAI-15 Workshop on Weighted Logics for AI -WL4AI'15 (http://www.iiia.csic.es/wl4ai-2015/)
- PC co-chair of the 35th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory (Graded logical approaches and their applications)
- Co-organiser of the IJCAI-13 Workshop on Weighted Logics for AI -WL4AI'13 (http://www.iiia.csic.es/wl4ai-2013/)
- Co-organiser of the ECAI 2012 Workshop on Weighted Logics for AI -WL4AI (http://www.iiia.csic.es/wl4ai/)
- Local
arrengements chair of UAI 2011 (http://auai.org/uai2011)
- Exhibits
chair of IJCAI-11 (http://www.ijcai-11.org)
- PC co-chair
of SUM 2009
- Program Commitees:
IJCAI-17 (area chair), ECSQARU 2017, SUM 2017, UAI 2017, EUSFLAT 2017
ECAI 2016 (SPC), UAI-2016, COMMA 2016, FoIKS 2016, IPMU 2016, KR 2016, SUM 2016, CEDI 2016, JELIA 2016
IJCAI-15 (area chair), ECSQARU 2015, SUM 2015, UAI 2015, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015, CAEPIA 2015
ECAI 2014 (area chair), KR 2014, JELIA 2014, IPMU 2014, COMMA 2014
IJCAI-13 (area chair), ECSQARU 2013, CLIMA XIV, EUSFLAT 2013, SUM 2013, CAEPIA 2013
ECAI 2012, FOIKS 2012, KR 2012, COMMA 2012, JELIA 2012
IJCAI-11 (area chair), ECSQARU 2011, SUM 2011, CAEPIA 2011
- Member of the Advisory board of the Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence conferences (MDAI) (2008 - 2017)
- Past
vice-president of the European Society
for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) (July 2005 - June 2009)
- Past
vice-president of the Catalan Association
for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA) (October 2006 - October 2010)
Editorial Boards
Institut d'Investigació en Intel.ligència Artificial (IIIA),
- Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) -
de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona s/n
Bellaterra, Spain
+34 93
+34 93 5809661