Amanda Vidal


I am postdoctoral fellow ath the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, of the Spanish National Research Council (IIIA - CSIC).

My main research interests lie in the areas of Non classical logic and its applications. I have done several contributions on modal and other extensions of many-valued logics, concerning aspects of computability, axiomatizability and related algebraic studies, and also in their applicability in areas of AI by studying their practical efficiency and their relation with weighted structures from computer sciences. I have worked also in logical approaches to argumentation theory and recommendation systems, in theoretical studies on SAT and optimization variants of this problem, and on the algebraic approach to the constraint satisfaction problem.

I graduated both in Mathematics and in Computer Science in 2010 at Autonomous University of Madrid. In 2012 I obtained my Master's degree in Pure and Applied Logic at the University of Barcelona, and at the same university toguether with the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) - CSIC, I got my PhD in Pure and Applied Logic in 2015 with a qualification of Excelent Cum Laude. My doctoral dissertation was supervised by Lluis Godo, and co-supervised by Francesc Esteva and Felix Bou, and focuses on the axiomatization and related studies of modal expansions of the monoidal t-norm logic, and in the development of an automatic solver for them towards their applicability. This work was distinguished with the Best 2015 PhD Thesis Award given by the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Tecnology (EUSFLAT).