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In Milord II, a rule is composed of an identifier, a premise (a conjunction of conditions), a conclusion, and a truth-value. In the case of conditions containing variables, the language is provided with a set of predefined predicates that apply on them to produce as result intervals of truth values.

Premises of rules are conjunctions of elemental conditions either in affirmative or in negative form. Conditions can contain propositions directly.

For instance, for the fuzzy proposition presence of creatinine defined above, we can say If presence of creatinine then renal failure is definite. Another example using many-valued propositions is If a penicillin can be administrated to a patient and his situation is severe then it is very few possible to administrate ampicillin, in Milord II syntax: If penicillin and severe then conclude ampicillin is vf.

A numerical expression is composed by numbers, numerical variables and arithmetic operations. For instance, If respiratory frequency is greater than 30 breaths/minute then we can conclude that tachypnea is definite.

We can build set expressions in a similar way as numerical expressions. These expressions return degrees of inclusion, intersection and equality between two fuzzy sets. For instance, If the patient has allergic reaction to penicillin then he is also allergic to cephalosporins and cabapenems. In this case allergic to penicillin means that the set variable allergies has intersection with the crisp set {penicillin}.

For an example of linguistic variable we can use the previously defined linguistic variable state of white blood cells to say: If state of white blood cells is leukopenia then there are analytical evidence of severity of pneumonia.

Conclusions of rules are simpler than conditions. Conclusions may appear on affirmative or on negative form. Only many-valued propositions and set variables can be used as conclusions in rules. In fact we have seen examples of conclusions if the examples above. For instance the conclusion tachypnea is definite is about a many-valued proposition and, the patient has allergic reaction to cephalosporins and cabapenems about a set variable.

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Josep Puyol-Gruart
Mon Nov 24 11:06:05 MET 1997