The components of the module state that are persistent during the execution are: the programmer defined relations between facts, the threshold and the rules. All these components are initially reified. Although the submodules of a module are not persistent, the initial submodules are also reified.
relationid(fact1, fact2)
threshold(lingterm) threshold(submodule,lingterm)
If a and b then conclude c is s If a and b then conclude d=x is qp
These rules are reified in the following form:
K(implies(prem(A,B), C), int(S,S)) K(implies(prem(A,B), =(D,X)), int(QP,S))
Notice that the last list represents and upper interval of truth-values (considering the truth-value true is the linguistic term S).
submodule(submodule) submodule(submodule,subsubmodule)