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Hence, given a query to a module, the algorithm sketched below shows how
the module searches for the next question to be made to the user (Ask
procedure) or to a submodule (Query procedure) that is needed to answer
the current query. This algorithm returns only a fact belonging to the
import interface of the current module, or a fact belonging to a submodule
with its value.
This is a recursive algorithm because the initial goal produces new
internal subgoals that in their turn use the same algorithm. Consider that
f is the fact constituting the current query.
is a path: If the fact is a path to a
submodule sm of the current module, and if that submodule is visible
(see Section 7), it puts a query
to the
submodule and returns the value so obtained; otherwise it returns an
error. - f has unsolved needs relations: The facts used in the
body of the functional expression attached to f are considered as if f
had a needs relation with them. Therefore, the needs relations
of a fact are those explicitly declared by the expert plus those
implicitly added by the function attribute. A needs relation is
considered to be solved when the fact with which f has the relation got
a value. It recursively applies Search to the first fact with which f
has a no solved needs relation.
- f belongs to the import interface and has no value: In this
case it makes a question to the user Ask(f).
- f can be deduced by means of rules:
- Rule ordering: Before starting the rule search we order the
set of rules that are able to deduce fact f with the following criteria:
- Rules more specific first.
- In case of rules equally specific, first those whose certainty value
is higher.
- In case of equal certainty degree, we use the writing order.
- Rule search: We start a depth first search on the
- Selecting the first rule of the ordered set obtained above.
- Selecting the first fact in the writing order of the conditions of
that rule (left to right). Then recursively apply Search to that fact.
- otherwise: f is unknown.
Notice that the algorithm Search finally puts a question to the user
Ask(f), makes a query to a submodule
and returns the
value obtained or, if everything fails it returns the value unknown.
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Up: Lazy
Previous: Evaluation
Josep Puyol-Gruart
Thu Oct 23 15:34:13 MET DST 1997