
Inauguration at MAC (Archaeological Museum of Catalonia)

September 28, 2017

Don't miss out on your chance to experience La Draga in VR at the Archaeological Museum of Catalonia!

Experimenting virtual reality.

February 24, 2017

This meeting was called to experiment and play around with virtual reality technology, particularly the HTC Vive. The Artificial Intelligence team configured the system, and the archaeologists tried out different virtual games to understand how the system works and to acquire the necessary experience to define a serious game making the most out of the technology.

Meeting at IIIA Headquarters.

December 2, 2016

The team members that participate in the project met at the IIIA Headquarters to define a clear map of the settlement for the simulation. A detailed list of the activities to be showcased was succesfully created.

Project Meeting in the Neolithic archaeological site in Banyoles.

June 28, 2016

The team members that participate in the project met in La Draga, Banyoles to see and discuss the recreations to be achieved. Archaeologists from the UAB presented to the software engineers at IIIA-CSIC the main characteristics and discoveries of the site. The IIIA-CSIC personnel presented a methodology to extract that knowledge in order to create recreations based on technological advances of A.I and Serious Games.