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Doctoral Consortium 2013

The Doctoral Consortium will take place on July 22 and 23. The committee is formed by the following researchers:

Chair: Josep Puyol-Gruart (IIIA)
Eva Armengol (IIIA) Xavier Binefa (UPF)
Francesc Esteva (IIIA)
Pere Garcia (IIIA)
Karina Gibert (UPC)
Beatriz López (UdG)
Enric Plaza (IIIA)
Jordi Sabater (IIIA)
Miquel Sánchez-Marrè (UPC)
Ventura Verdú (UB)

Every student will have 15 minutes to explain his/her PhD progress and plans, and 15 minutes more to discuss with the members of the committee. There are three members of the committee that will have read each PhD report before the presentation but the discussion is open to all members. Students should bear in mind that the level of the explanation has to be understood by an audience with knowledge in AI but not in the specific area of interest and should give special importance to the impact that the PhD can potentially have. Presentations are to be done in English.

The coffees and the lunch of the students and members of the committee will be free (students will have free lunch the day of his/her presentation).

From 15:00 to 17:00 there will be a consensus meeting of the committee members to prepare the final reports.

The schedule of the presentations is the following:

  July 22 July 23
10:00 Daniel Abril Toni Penya Alba
10:30 Dave de Jonge Marc Pujol-Gonzalez
11:00   Arturo Ribes
12:00 Xavier Ferrer Aran Laia Subirats
12:30 Sergio Manzano Amanda Vidal
13:00 Sergi Martinez Bea Jordi Marés
15:00 CONSENSUS MEETING (from 15:00 to 17:00)