
Applied Philosophy for the Value-Based Design of Social Network Apps
Applied Philosophy for the Value-Based Design of Social Network Apps

A Project coordinated by IIIA.

Web page:

Principal investigator: 

Collaborating organisations:

Departament de Filosofia, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Departament de Filosofia, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Funding entity:


Funding call:

RecerCaixa 2017
RecerCaixa 2017

Funding call URL:

Project #:


Total funding amount:


IIIA funding amount:




Extension date:

AppPhil introduces a novel methodology and mechanism, based on value-based design, for building responsible technologies that respect and adhere to evolving values and norms of a community. Our objective is to put humans in control of technologies that support their everyday interactions and participation in their community; to have humans not only using technology, but shaping and co- creating their technology according to their evolving needs and values. The project focuses on the philosophical and ethical thinking about values and norms in social networks, but has also an applied approach. We will use the prototype app uHelp ( as a motivating example and use case for our research, and make a philosophical analysis of the values of norms that the app promotes. All along this process the communities that use this support app will participate. AppPhil is an interdisciplinary proposal, presented by two institutions, the Department of Philosophy of the UAB and the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute IIIA-CSIC, with two principal investigators, a senior professor of the UAB, and a young scientist with a permanent position at the IIIA-CSIC. This project will contribute with a research of excellence to an important cutting-edge area in both philosophy and artificial intelligence, but overall AppPhil will promote the involvement of the society in the development of novel social technologies.

AppPhil introduces a novel methodology and mechanism, based on value-based design, for building responsible technologies that respect and adhere to evolving values and norms of a community. Our objective is to put humans in control of technologies that support their everyday interactions and participation in their community; to have humans not only using technology, but shaping and co- creating their technology according to their evolving needs and values. The project focuses on the philosophical and ethical thinking about values and norms in social networks, but has also an applied approach. We will use the prototype app uHelp ( as a motivating example and use case for our research, and make a philosophical analysis of the values of norms that the app promotes. All along this process the communities that use this support app will participate. AppPhil is an interdisciplinary proposal, presented by two institutions, the Department of Philosophy of the UAB and the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute IIIA-CSIC, with two principal investigators, a senior professor of the UAB, and a young scientist with a permanent position at the IIIA-CSIC. This project will contribute with a research of excellence to an important cutting-edge area in both philosophy and artificial intelligence, but overall AppPhil will promote the involvement of the society in the development of novel social technologies.

In Press
Nardine Osman,  Ronald Chenu-Abente,  Qiang Shen,  Carles Sierra,  & Fausto Giunchiglia (In Press). Empowering Users in Online Open Communities. SN Computer Science. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Nieves Montes,  & Carles Sierra (2022). Synthesis and Properties of Optimally Value-Aligned Normative Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 74, 1739--1774. [BibTeX]
Pablo Noriega,  Harko Verhagen,  Julian Padget,  & Mark d'Inverno (2021). Ethical Online AI Systems Through Conscientious Design. IEEE Internet Computing, 25, 58-64. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  Pablo Noriega,  Lucia Alexandra Popartan,  & Manel Poch (2020). Modelling Policy Shift Advocacy. Mario Paolucci, Jaime Simão Sichman, & Harko Verhagen (Eds.), Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XX (pp. 55--68). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Nardine Osman,  Carles Sierra,  Ronald Chenu-Abente,  Qiang Shen,  & Fausto Giunchiglia (2020). Open Social Systems. Nick Bassiliades, Georgios Chalkiadakis, & Dave Jonge (Eds.), Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies (pp. 132--142). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marta Poblet,  & Carles Sierra (2020). Understanding Help as a Commons. International Journal of the Commons, 14, 281--493. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  & Pablo Noriega (2019). {A Playground for the Value Alignment Problem}. Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Ildar Batyrshin, Antonio Marín-Hernandez, & Hiram Ponce (Eds.), {Advances in Soft Computing. MICAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11835} (pp. 414--429). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Juan Carlos Teze,  Antoni Perelló-Moragues,  Lluís Godo,  & Pablo Noriega (2019). Practical reasoning using values: an argumentative approach based on a hierarchy of values. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 293-319. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Pilar Dellunde
Adjunct Scientist
Lluís Godo
Research Professor
Phone Ext. 431857

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras
Adjunct Professor Ad Honorem
Pablo Noriega
Científico Ad Honorem
Nardine Osman
Tenured Scientist
Phone Ext. 431826

Carles Sierra
Research Professor
Phone Ext. 431801