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Sequent algebras: A topological and categorical perspective.
Sequent algebras: A topological and categorical perspective.



William Zuluaga
William Zuluaga


Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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Attending seminar
Attending seminar

Description :

Point-free geometry takes regions as primitives, unlike classical Euclidean geometry, which is based on points. Its algebraic models, Contact Algebras (CA), define mereotopological relations but face expressivity constraints. To address this, Vakarelov introduced Sequent Algebras (SA), replacing binary contact relations with finitary closure relations over Boolean algebras, satisfying some formal properties of Tarskian consequence relations. This paper develops a full topological duality for SA and also shows that such a category is topological over the category of Boolean algebras (BA), which in turn implies that the categorical structure of SA can be understood through that of BA. This is an ongoing project in collaboration with Sergio Celani, as part of the MOSAIC Project 101007627, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.

Point-free geometry takes regions as primitives, unlike classical Euclidean geometry, which is based on points. Its algebraic models, Contact Algebras (CA), define mereotopological relations but face expressivity constraints. To address this, Vakarelov introduced Sequent Algebras (SA), replacing binary contact relations with finitary closure relations over Boolean algebras, satisfying some formal properties of Tarskian consequence relations. This paper develops a full topological duality for SA and also shows that such a category is topological over the category of Boolean algebras (BA), which in turn implies that the categorical structure of SA can be understood through that of BA. This is an ongoing project in collaboration with Sergio Celani, as part of the MOSAIC Project 101007627, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.