“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goal
“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goal

A Project coordinated by IIIA.

Web page:

Principal investigator: 

Collaborating organisations:

Funding entity:

European Comission
European Comission

Funding call:

Funding call URL:

Project #:

MSCA-COFUND 101126626
MSCA-COFUND 101126626

Total funding amount:


IIIA funding amount:



Extension date:

ALLIES (“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goalS”) is a new excellent collaborative postdoctoral programme led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and coordinated through the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) for the recruitment of 17 postdoctoral researchers to provide a new dimension through highly interdisciplinary & intersectoral research in the broad topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alignment with the SDGs while maintaining the highest research quality standards. The programme includes the participation of 18 different CSIC research institutes expert in the fields of AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics & Data Science as Implementing organisations recruiting fellows.

ALLIES (“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goalS”) is a new excellent collaborative postdoctoral programme led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and coordinated through the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) for the recruitment of 17 postdoctoral researchers to provide a new dimension through highly interdisciplinary & intersectoral research in the broad topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alignment with the SDGs while maintaining the highest research quality standards. The programme includes the participation of 18 different CSIC research institutes expert in the fields of AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics & Data Science as Implementing organisations recruiting fellows.

Jesus Cerquides
Scientific Researcher
Phone Ext. 431859

Felip Manyà
Scientific Researcher
Phone Ext. 431854

Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar
Research Professor
Phone Ext. 431861

Carles Sierra
Research Professor
Phone Ext. 431801