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Preference methods

Preferences in Noos are built by means of preference methods. A preference method takes a set of elements and an ordering criterion and builds a partially ordered set--a poset that will be noted tex2html_wrap_inline2299 where A is a set of elements and tex2html_wrap_inline2303 is a order relation over elements of A. Since preference methods are full-fledged Noos methods, they can be used freely as any other method.

Different kinds of ordering criteria give rise to different preference methods. An example of an ordering criterion is using a numeric value in some specific feature, e.g. consider the price of computers (brands are invented!) in the following example:


The first preference method, cheaper-pref builds an ordering based on prices of computers for the set of computers in the set feature, resulting in the poset {PC-blue tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-red tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-white}--namely a poset where PCs are preferred from cheaper to more expensive. This preference method is a refinement of increasing-preference, a built-in preference method that takes a set of elements in feature set and the identifier of a numeric feature in feature-name and builds a poset where the preferred elements are those with a lesser value in the specified feature.

The faster-pref is a refinement of the increasing-preference built-in method that constructs a poset, in a similar way, using a numeric feature with a preference for higher values with respect to lesser values. In the Example 2.14 the poset generated is {PC-white tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-red tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-blue}. In this case both preference methods induce a total order, but in general only a partial order can be assured.

Finally, ppc-pref preference method is based on subsumption-preference built-in that uses subsumption between Noos termsgif. ppc-pref creates a poset where all elements that are subsumed by the term in feature pattern are preferred to those elements that are not subsumed. In Example 2.14 the subsumed elements have to satisfy that they are personal-computers with a power-pc CPU. As a result, PC-blue and PC-white are preferred to PC-red--but no preference exists between PC-blue and PC-white. That is to say, poset {PC-white tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-red,PC-blue tex2html_wrap_inline2303 PC-red} is produced.

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Enric Plaza
Thu Jan 23 11:36:28 MET 1997