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Structure of the problem


In Figure 1 we can see the general conceptual structure of Terap-IA. Briefly, a treatment for pneumonia is a set of upmost three antibiotics. The antibiotics of the treatment must be possible to administrate to the patient and, cover all the diagnosed microorganisms --because one of them is possibly the cause of pneumonia. The conceptual structure has four parts: first, independently of the diagnosis the system determines all the antibiotics that is possible to administrate to the patient; second, from these antibiotics, the system finds which are the most useful for each of the microorganisms of the diagnosis; third, these treatments are combined producing a treatment covering all the microorganisms of the diagnosis for that concrete patient; finally, the antibiotic combinations are refined with other criteria.



Figure: Architecture of Terap-IA application.

The following sections describe how have we mapped this structure into an operational knowledge-based system developed on top of Milord II.

Josep Puyol-Gruart
Mon Nov 24 11:06:05 MET 1997