MC-2021: Counting and Sampling
The International Workshop on Model Counting and Sampling aims to provide a venue for researchers working on model counting such as model counting (mc), weighted model counting/sum of products (wmc), projected model counting (pmc) as well as sampling models within the realm but not restricting to Boolean satisfiability (SAT), satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), Answer set programming (ASP), and constraint programming (CP). It encourages to meet, communicate, and discuss the latest theoretical and practical results, in particular results on novel solvers, related solver technologies, new theoretical advances, practical academic and industrial applications as well as the linking theory and practice. The workshop is also the place for developers of model counters and samplers to present their programs and the presentation of detailed results on the model counting competition.
PoS-2021: Pragmatics of SAT
The aim of the Pragmatics of SAT (PoS) workshop series is to provide a venue for researchers working on designing and/or applying Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers and related solver technologies, including but not restricting to satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), answer set programming (ASP), and constraint programming (CP) as well as their optimization counterparts, to meet, communicate, and discuss latest results.
QBF-2021: Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on theoretical and practical aspects of QBF solving. It provides a forum in which the community can discuss the latest results and identify immediate and long-term research challenges. That includes potential users, which are invited to reflect on the current state-of-the-art and pinpoint obstacles to the adoption of QBF solvers.