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Latest News
June 2023: we launched our new web application STNWeb for the visual comparison of multiple runs of multiple optimization algorithms (metaheuristics). The web application comes with a tutorial on how to use it. Feel free to check it out!!!.
October 2022: I was invited to give a plenary talk at CORS - Optimization Days 2023 which will take place in Montreal, Canada at the end of May 2023.
September 2022: I received an invitation to give a keynote talk at the Eighth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS 2023), taking place in early March in Punjab, India.
July 2022: I gave a keynote talk at the Metaheuristics Intenational Conference (MIC 2022) which took place in Syracuse, Italy.
2021: I was included in Stanford University's list of the top 2% most widely cited scientists. In particular, I am at position 33.482 of more than 8 million active scientists in the general ranking, and at position 520 out of 253.359 researchers in the subfield Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing
Juli 2021: We won the SEIO-BBVA 2021 Award for the Best Methodological Contribution in Operations Research for our work on CMSA.

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Editorial activities
I am acting as area editor, associate editor or member of the editorial board for the following international journals