Life-changing experience, that opened the world to me. Went from boring corporate environment to the world where almost anything is possible. Worked with the best researchers in the field and enjoyed every second of it.
I have very fond memories of my PhD at the IIIA. I learned a lot and made great friends in a very supporting environment. The "costellades" at Mas Puig and the Christmas concerts were incredible!
I had some of the best times of my research career at the IIIA. Spending hours with Carles, Juan, Andrea, and Lluis on models and algorithms was great fun. I really learnt to be a team player and to broaden my views. Cooking an Emu biriani for the team was probably the climax of my time there!
TECNIO és l'acreditació que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya a través d'ACCIÓ per identificar i donar visibilitat als desenvolupadors de tecnologia del sistema R+D+I de Catalunya que presentin capacitats tecnològiques diferencials i amb capacitat de transferir-les per enfortir el teixit empresarial i fer atractiu internacionalment el ecosistema català d'innovació.