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Associated Unit Member
Associated Unit Member

Associated Unit Member
Associated Unit Member

Associated Unit
Associated Unit
Virtual Worlds, Visualisation and Artificial Intelligence Group - Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
Virtual Worlds, Visualisation and Artificial Intelligence Group - Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
(+34) 93 580 9570 ext.
Research areas:
  • Agent-Based Simulation
  • Machine Learning
  • Multi-Objective Optimization
  • Ethics & AI
  • Multiagent Systems
  • Responsible AI
  • Autonomous Robots
  • Normative Systems
  • Argumentation
  • Social choice
  • Combinatorial Optimisation
  • Agent-Based Simulation
  • Machine Learning
  • Multi-Objective Optimization
  • Ethics & AI
  • Multiagent Systems
  • Responsible AI
  • Autonomous Robots
  • Normative Systems
  • Argumentation
  • Social choice
  • Combinatorial Optimisation
Impact areas:
  • Creativity
  • Ethics
  • Smart Cities
  • Creativity
  • Ethics
  • Smart Cities
  • SDGs: General
  • GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • GOAL 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
  • SDGs: General
  • GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • GOAL 09: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Maite López-Sánchez (2024). An Analytical Study of Utility Functions in Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024) . [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Stefano Moretti,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2023). Building rankings encompassing multiple criteria to support qualitative decision-making. Information Sciences, 631, 288-304. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2023). Multi-objective reinforcement learning for designing ethical multi-agent environments. Neural Computing and Applications. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Roxana Radulescu,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Ann Nowé (2023). Multi-objective reinforcement learning for guaranteeing alignment with multiple values. Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (AAMAS 2023) . [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Enrico Liscio,  Roger Xavier Lera Leri,  Filippo Bistaffa,  Roel I. J. Dobbe,  Catholijn M. Jonker,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Pradeep K. Murukannaiah (2023). Value Inference in Sociotechnical Systems. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) (pp. 1774-1780). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Eric Roselló-Marín,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago,  Manel Rodríguez Soto,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2022). An Ethical Conversational Agent to Respectfully Conduct In-Game Surveys. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp 335--344). IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Maite López-Sánchez (2022). Building Multi-Agent Environments with Theoretical Guarantees on the Learning of Ethical Policies. . Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2022 (ALA 2022). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2022). Instilling moral value alignment by means of multi-objective reinforcement learning. Ethics and Information Technology, 24. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Roger Xavier Lera Leri,  Filippo Bistaffa,  Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2022). Towards Pluralistic Value Alignment: Aggregating Value Systems through ℓₚ-Regression. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems . International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Arthur Müller,  & Maite López-Sánchez (2021). Countering Negative Effects of Hate Speech in a Multi-Agent Society. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp 103--112). IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Guaranteeing the Learning of Ethical Behaviour through Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. . Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2021 (ALA 2021). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Maite Lopez-Sanchez,  Marc Serramia,  & Juan A Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Improving on-line debates by aggregating citizen support. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Designing Ethical Environments. Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI-21) (pp. 545-551). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Maite López-Sánchez,  & Arthur Müller (2021). On Simulating the Propagation and Countermeasures of Hate Speech in Social Networks. Applied Sciences, 11. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Jordi Ganzer,  Natalia Criado,  Maite Lopez-Sanchez,  Simon Parsons,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2020). A model to support collective reasoning: Formalization, analysis and computational assessment. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06850. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marc Serramia,  Maite Lopez-Sanchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2020). A Qualitative Approach to Composing Value-Aligned Norm Systems. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 1233--1241). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2020). A Structural Solution to Sequential Moral Dilemmas. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 1152--1160). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marc Serramia,  Jordi Ganzer-Ripoll,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  Natalia Criado,  Simon Parsons,  Patricio Escobar,  & Marc Fernández (2019). Citizen Support Aggregation Methods for Participatory Platforms.. CCIA (pp. 9--18). [BibTeX]
Jordi Ganzer-Ripoll,  Natalia Criado,  Maite Lopez-Sanchez,  Simon Parsons,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2019). Combining social choice theory and argumentation: Enabling collective decision making. Group Decision and Negotiation, 28, 127--173. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Patricio Escobar (2019). Optimising Participatory Budget Allocation: The Decidim Use Case. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp 193-202). IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]