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SDGs: General
SDGs: General
Carlo Bono,  Oguz Mulayim,  Cinzia Cappiello,  Mark James Carman,  Jesus Cerquides,  Jose Luis Fernandez Marquez,  Maria Rosa Mondardini,  Edoardo Ramalli,  & Barbara Pernici (2023). A Citizen Science Approach for Analyzing Social Media With Crowdsourcing. IEEE Access, 11, 15329-15347. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Eduardo Calò,  Jordi Levy,  Albert Gatt,  & Kees Deemter (2023). Is Shortest Always Best? The Role of Brevity in Logic-to-Text Generation. Alexis Palmer, & José Camacho-Collados (Eds.), Proceedings of the The 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, *SEM@ACL 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 13-14, 2023 (pp. 180--192). Association for Computational Linguistics. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2023). Multi-objective reinforcement learning for designing ethical multi-agent environments. Neural Computing and Applications. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Roxana Radulescu,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Ann Nowé (2023). Multi-objective reinforcement learning for guaranteeing alignment with multiple values. Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (AAMAS 2023) . [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Carlos Ansótegui,  Maria Luisa Bonet,  & Jordi Levy (2023). On the Density of States of Boolean Formulas. Ismael Sanz, Raquel Ros, & Jordi Nin (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence Research and Development - Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, CCIA 2023, Món Sant Benet, Spain, 25-27 October 2023 (pp. 369--382). {IOS}Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Ilario Bonacina,  Maria Luisa Bonet,  & Jordi Levy (2023). Polynomial Calculus for MaxSAT. Meena Mahajan, & Friedrich Slivovsky (Eds.), 26th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, SAT 2023, July 4-8, 2023, Alghero, Italy (pp. 5:1--5:17). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Eric Roselló-Marín,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago,  Manel Rodríguez Soto,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2022). An Ethical Conversational Agent to Respectfully Conduct In-Game Surveys. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp 335--344). IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Maite López-Sánchez (2022). Building Multi-Agent Environments with Theoretical Guarantees on the Learning of Ethical Policies. . Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2022 (ALA 2022). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2022). Instilling moral value alignment by means of multi-objective reinforcement learning. Ethics and Information Technology, 24. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Jesus Cerquides,  Oguz Mulayim,  Jeronimo Hernandez-Gonzalez,  Amudha Ravi Shankar,  & Jose Luis Fernandez Marquez (2021). A Conceptual Probabilistic Framework for Annotation Aggregation of Citizen Science Data. Mathematics, 9. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Ángeles Manjarrés,  Celia Fernández-Aller,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,  & Manuel Sierra Castañer (2021). Artificial Intelligence for a Fair, Just, and Equitable World. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 40, 19-24. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Guaranteeing the Learning of Ethical Behaviour through Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. . Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2021 (ALA 2021). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Maite Lopez-Sanchez,  Marc Serramia,  & Juan A Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Improving on-line debates by aggregating citizen support. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. IOS Press. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Manel Rodríguez Soto,  Maite López-Sánchez,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Designing Ethical Environments. Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI-21) (pp. 545-551). [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marc Serramia,  Maite López-Sánchez,  Stefano Moretti,  & Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2021). On the dominant set selection problem and its application to value alignment. Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, 35. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Nieves Montes,  & Carles Sierra (2021). Value-Guided Synthesis of Parametric Normative Systems. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 907–915). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. [BibTeX]  [PDF]