Juan Carlos L. Teze,
Lluís Godo,
& Gerardo I. Simari
(In Press).Defeasible Argumentation-based Epistemic Planning with Preferences.Dov Gabbay, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Guillermo R. Simari, & Matthias Thimm (Eds.),Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Volume 3.College Publications.[BibTeX]
Francesc Esteva,
Joan Gispert,
& Lluís Godo
(In Press).On the paraconsistent companions of involutive fuzzy logics that preserve non-falsity.Marie-Jeanne Lesot et_al (Eds.),Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference (IPMU 2024)
Tommaso Flaminio,
Lluís Godo,
Paula Menchón,
& Ricardo Oscar Rodríguez
(2024).Algebras and relational frames for Gödel modal logic and some of its extensions.M. Coniglio, E. Koubychkina, & D. Zaitsev (Eds.),Many-valued Semantics and Modal Logics: Essays in Honour of Yuriy Vasilievich Ivlev (pp 179-216).Springer (Also as CoRR, abs/2110.02528. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02528).https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56595-3_7.[BibTeX]
Tommaso Flaminio,
& Lluís Godo
(2024).Conditional Objects as Possibilistic Variables.Zied Bouraoui, & Srdjan Vesic (Eds.),Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty - 17th European Conference, ECSQARU 2023, Arras, France, September 19-22, 2023, Proceedings(pp. 372--385).
Tommaso Flaminio,
Lluís Godo,
& Giuliano Rosella
(2024).Conditional Possibilities, Possibilistic Imaging and Boolean Algebras of Conditionals.Book of Abstracts, IPMU 2024
Lluís Godo
(2024).Looking at conditionals within the possibilistic framework.SUM 2024, Invited talk
Tommaso Flaminio,
Lluís Godo,
& Giuliano Rosella
(2024).Possibility of Conditionals and Conditional Possibilities: From a Triviality Result to Possibilistic Imaging.Pierre Marquis, Magdalena Ortiz, & Maurice Pagnucco (Eds.),Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - Main Track (KR 2024)(pp. 372-382).
Francesc Esteva,
Joan Gispert,
& Lluís Godo
(2024).The non-falsity preserving companion of the Nilpotent Minimum Logic.Booklet of Abstracts, TACL 2024(pp. 118-119).
Tommaso Flaminio,
Lluís Godo,
Nicolás Madrid,
& Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
(2023).A Logic to Reason About f-Indices of Inclusion over $\L_n$.Sebastia Massanet al. (Eds.),Fuzzy Logic and Technology, and Aggregation Operators. EUSFLAT 2023, AGOP 2023, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 14069(pp. 530--539).
Springer Nature Switzerland.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39965-7_44.[BibTeX]
Esther Anna Corsi,
Tommaso Flaminio,
Lluís Godo,
& Hykel Hosni
(2023).A modal logic for uncertainty: a completeness theorem.13th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications - ISIPTA 2023(pp. 119-129).
Juan C. L. Teze,
Lluís Godo,
& Gerardo I. Simari
(2022).An Approach to Improve Argumentation-Based Epistemic Planning with Contextual Preferences.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 151, 130-163.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2022.09.005.[BibTeX]
Tommaso Flaminio,
Angelo Gilio,
Lluís Godo,
& Giuseppe Sanfilippo
(2022).Canonical Extensions of Conditional Probabilities and Compound Conditionals.Davide Ciucci al. (Eds.),17th Intl. Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2022)(pp. 584--597).
Springer International Publishing.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08974-9_47.[BibTeX]
Tommaso Flaminio,
Angelo Gilio,
Lluís Godo,
& Giuseppe Sanfilippo
(2022).Compound Conditionals as Random Quantities and Boolean Algebras.Gabriele Kern{-}Isberner, Gerhard Lakemeyer, & Thomas Meyer (Eds.),Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, {KR}2022, Haifa, Israel. July 31 - August 5, 2022(pp. 141-151).